A to Z of Useful Local Contacts
Please use the form below to contact us if you spot any errors or ommissions
Adult Learning:
Wallingford Adult Education; www.wallingfordadulted.org/
Henley College; www.henleycol.ac.uk/courses/adult-learning/
Sonning Common Adult Learning at Chiltern Edge School; Phone 01189 723362
Church of England Langtree Team Ministry www.langtree.org
Roman Catholic, Christ the King, Woodcote
Stoke Row Chapel – www.stokerowchapel.org
Methodist services, St. Leonards Woodcote
Citizens Advice Bureau:
Woodcote Community Centre, Reading Road Tuesdays 9.30am – 12:30 Personal callers only Henley-on-Thames CAB, 32 Market Place - 01491 572129
Nettlebed Surgery 01491 641204
Woodcote Surgery 01491 680686
Sonning Common Surgery 01189 722745;
Urgent care out of hours 0845 345 8995
NHS Direct 24 hours advice 111; See also: www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk
Byways Dental Practice, The Forge, Checkendon (NHS for children and students) - 01491 680412
Library Services:
Woodcote Community Library, Reading Road, Woodcote – 01491 682323
Area Beat Officer based at Sonning Common Police Station, 78 Lea Road, Sonning Common, Reading RG4 9LJ; Hours: Monday - Friday 10.00 -18.00, Monday evenings 18.00-20.00 email: PC 4197 Ian Roy
01189 536259 or 0845 8 505 505 (A message may be left for him if he is not on duty); In case of an emergency phone 999;
Thames Valley Police www.thamesvalley.police.uk
Checkendon Pre-School, Village Hall - 01491 682589 preschoolcheckendon@gmail.com www.checkendonpreschool.co.uk
Checkendon Primary School Tel 01491 680693 Email: office.3801@checkendon.oxon.sch.uk
Langtree Secondary School, Woodcote Tel 01491 680514 http://www.langtreeschool.com/
Scouts & Guides:
Beaver Scouts Meet in Stoke Row Scouts & Guides
Brownies Checkendon & Goring Heath Scouts & Guides
Cub Scouts - Meet in Stoke Row Scouts & Guides
Sports Clubs – see main web pages
Thames Water General enquiries 0845 9200 800 Website - www.thameswater.co.uk
Reporting leaks 0800 714 614
Scottish & Southern Electric www.sse.co.uk
Village Hall - To hire the village hall contact Mrs Mary Daniels 01491 682169.
Email: marykatharine@live.co.uk
Village News - Checkendon Village Newsletter - Email Checkendon.news@yahoo.co.uk
Womans Institute Stoke Row & Woodcote; Website - www.womens-institute.org.uk
Woodcote Volunteers Good neighbour scheme & Volunteer transport Tel: 01491 681171 www.woodcotevolunteers.org.uk
Youth Services:
Woodcote Youth Centre - Reading Road, Woodcote Drop-in Centre Monday 7.30pm - 10.00pm
Youth Club Tuesdays 7.00pm - 9.00pm 01491 682442, Tuesdays in club hours